Chinese teas come in a huge number of forms: pressed pancakes and pu-erh heads, pu-erh tablets, loose green, white and red teas. The most unusual of them can rightfully be considered flower bound tea. Tea leaves are hand-tied by Chinese masters, resulting in special balls. When these balls open, we get a real work of art! That is why bound tea is traditionally brewed in a transparent container.

Bound tea is created from white, green teas, as well as from oolongs and other weakly fermented varieties. In each small lump of such tea, a surprise is hidden – flowers. When the balls are brewed, they open up and reveal their secrets to our eyes.
The number of flowers can be different: from one flower to a huge bunch. Bound tea fits perfectly into the holiday atmosphere and is great for a gift. It is created not so much for drinking, but for the highest aesthetic pleasure.
For the manufacture of such balls, young tea leaves and buds are collected from tea trees. Then they are given the desired shape: a ball, a flower bud, a pyramid, a ring, a Chinese lantern. Sometimes completely unusual ones are created: a hare, a teapot or a pagoda.
Most often associated teas contain flowers. Traditionally, these are jasmine flowers, but there are also camellia, rose, calendula, clover … Sometimes flowers are combined into whole bouquets, which also delight us with aroma and exotic taste.
Associated teas have many varieties. They vary in shape, color and aroma. Many teas are a wonderful decoration of the tea ceremony, even when tied. For example, “Green Peony” of pale turquoise color, pink balls of “Jasmine Strawberry”, “Berry Heart” in the shape of hearts. Bound tea “Jade Lotus” after brewing is a light green infusion with a garland of graceful flowers. When brewing “Fiery Calculation”, yellow osmanthus flowers emerge in the water, and a fiery red flower opens in the middle of the tea container.
Every tea lover should once try to brew this flower beauty. Taste is not to be expected, but aesthetic pleasure is guaranteed.