
Kratom Maeng Da green



  • tones for a long time
  • improves concentration
  • relieves discomfort in the body
  • stabilizes the emotional state
  • increases potency
  • improves metabolism


Beneficial features

The green variety of kratom contains only mature leaves of Mitragyna, without young shoots, which contributes to a more stable and lasting effect. This method of collecting and sorting raw materials improves the quality of the product. And, accordingly, increases the stimulating effect on the body.

Green kratom is great for work activities: it fills with energy, clears the mind of excess “noise”, focuses and adjusts to the way you want. Be it work processes or romantic affairs. In addition, green kratom improves potency and prolongs sexual intercourse. A nice bonus here is the focus on tactile pleasure, which characterizes kratom as an excellent empathogen.


Brewing methods

Recipe 1 “Easy detox”

5 grams dry green kratom powder

300 ml water

½ lemon

Honey or sugar to taste


Bring water to a boil, pour kratom, add lemon juice (it is best to use a glass transparent container). After 10-15 minutes, after the powder precipitates, drain (filter) the liquid, add a sweetener and enjoy the soft and pleasant taste of kratom.


Recipe 2 “Green Orange”

5 grams dry green kratom powder

70 ml hot water

¼ lemon

½ grapefruit

½ orange

Honey or sugar to taste


Pour 5 grams of kratom with hot boiled water (up to 95 degrees), mix, let the kratom granules absorb moisture and reveal their properties. Add lemon, orange and grapefruit juice (possible with pulp), sweetener and voila, a delicious cocktail is ready.


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